Often, personal fulfillment defies prestige, let alone social validation. Xlibris Author Jean Farish, Ph.D. has discovered her purpose by engaging in volunteer works and keeping a journal that became the groundwork for her debut book The Long Journey Home.

Jotting down her daily musings, Jean has expressed her natural flair for inspirational writing – her handiwork to making a better world. She joins the likes of legendary authors such as Joan Didion and Virginia Woolf who found meaning in the pre-Facebook record-keeping habit that may be more insightful than any of today’s social media posts.
Xlibris author Jean Farish on her search for meaning
I am a transformational author with a desire to join the community of writers to inspire conscious living. I served 28 years in higher education as Professor and Department Chair in the field of rehabilitation counseling. Even though I was an avid reader and studied literature on many topics related to my field, I have always been a critical thinker with an ongoing search for deeper meaning. As a keen evaluator of all that I read, I encouraged students to “think outside the box”. Both as a counselor educator and professional counselor, I constructed creative assignments to inspire self-mastery and encourage students to develop their own innovative and creative theoretical and therapeutic approaches utilizing educational materials and tools as a foundation. Even though I published in academic journals, I had a burning desire to contribute my creative skills on a more profound level.
A series of existential questions led me on my own spiritual path in search of my true purpose. I studied a variety of philosophies and spiritual principles and practices in search of a more meaningful and fulfilling life. I followed society’s linear path for success, but I always felt that something was missing. Disillusioned with society’s expectations, personal life challenges, and a desire to express my gifts and talents to the world, I accepted an invitation for an assignment abroad which was a divine gift. My primary assignment was to serve as main writer capturing university-community-industry engagement activities to improve, sustain, and transform the community. I traveled extensively with the faculty and staff to remote villages and indigenous communities, and I had a memorable visit to Vietnam and traveled along the Mekong Delta visiting villages in the community. There were many projects, but two of the most intriguing are the united efforts to successfully provide clean water to the Indigenous community; and a unique and innovative program, where I spent a great deal of time volunteering, that provide services for autistic children, their parents, siblings, and teachers. This was a volunteer engagement community that worked together with each person contributing for the greater good. I learned how important it is for us to use our collective skills, talents and knowledge to make a better world. It was through this assignment that I became more creative and realized that I had a passion for writing on a transformational level.
Jean talks more about her writing and self-publishing journey on the second and third installments of her Xlibris guest blog.
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