There is no denying that the Internet has propelled the rise of self-publishing to greater heights and further leveled the playing field between indies and seasoned authors. This phenomenon, however, is not without some drawbacks: suddenly everyone is a writer and everyone can get published. More opportunities mean stiffer competition, thus calling for a better game plan.

Xlibris Book Publishing gives you the chance to stand out from the rest through its special book marketing packages. Create that Hollywood-style teaser for your Xlibris book via Xlibris Book Videos on YouTube.
Gone are the days of seeing a novel’s preview only on the book’s back cover. Readers can now get a sneak peek at your book videos via YouTube. See your characters, plots, and ideas come to life with motion graphics that leave a lasting impact, strong enough to grab the attention of readers with eclectic tastes and entice them to get a copy of your book. The Xlibris Book Video Marketing Service does the trick, providing you a 60 to 90-second, custom-made video with voiceover and/or text, plus image-enhancing effects. If an inspiration for a YouTube-sensation suddenly hit you, pitch in your ideas to Xlibris, and we will create your trailer as you wish.
Join our pool of Xlibris self-published authors who have used this video-sharing strategy to stay in tune with today’s ever-changing online marketing trends!
Xlibris Book Publishing presents YouTube’s marketing rewards
According to YouTube statistics, the video-sharing website welcomes 1 billion unique users monthly. These visitors spend more than 6 billion hours of views, with recent statistics climbing 50% from 2012. Further expanding its demographic reach, YouTube is accessible in 61 languages across 56 countries. Global information and measurement company Nielsen also revealed that YouTube has more audience reach comprising ages 18 to 34, than does any cable network. Moreover, the number of subscribers continues to rise every year.
In today’s smart age, it goes without saying that YouTube is a must-have application in smartphones and other smart devices. In fact, YouTube mobile views account for a quarter percentage of the website’s overall global watch time.
With these handsome figures at your marketing disposal, it’s time to create that Xlibris book video that will get millions of views and sell your book.
Tell the world of the next YouTube sensation in the literary world! Sign up for your Xlibris book video now!