Kirkus Reviews Announces Entry Deadline for Kirkus’ Best Books of 2013

by Thomas McKinley

Although a number of self-published authors are climbing today’s bestseller charts, alongside big-named traditional publishers, these new breed of independent writers still need to strive harder to prove themselves. Fortunately, as self-publishing gains ground, indies have more available tools to get noticed. In 2005, self-pubbed book review service Kirkus Indie Program was launched by trusted […]


Promote Your Book Hollywood-Style via Xlibris Book Publishing on YouTube!

by Thomas McKinley

There is no denying that the Internet has propelled the rise of self-publishing  to greater heights  and further leveled the playing field between indies and seasoned authors. This phenomenon, however, is not without some drawbacks: suddenly everyone is a writer and everyone can get published. More opportunities mean stiffer competition, thus calling for a better […]


Follow Xlibris Publishing on Twitter!

by Thomas McKinley

A 140-character message can just as well communicate effectively as does a writer with a succinct style. Thanks to Twitter, Xlibris Publishing gets to share nuggets of wisdom to our thousands of followers in the micro blogging site. We may not have a Twitter domain as massive as Justin Bieber’s shrieking tween fans and a […]


Attract more readers — follow Xlibris Publisher on LinkedIn!

by Thomas McKinley

Free marketing opportunities abound online. Professional social networking website LinkedIn is just one of the many avenues that can generate more readers for your self-published book. With over 225 million users across the globe, LinkedIn is currently the world’s largest professional network with 21.4 million unique visitors from the US and 47.6 million worldwide monthly. […]