Xlibris Publishing introduces Tommie Artis and Paula Sherard Artis, authors of O God Strengthen Our Hands and Marriage Beyond the Bed.
Please briefly describe your books.
Our first book, O God Strengthen Our Hands was our prayer to God as we went through some of the most critical times of our lives it is based on a true story. It was through these times when we had no one to trust, that we realize the Lord’s strength is able to help us in every walk of life, sustain, guide and comfort us as we fast and prayed to seek Him, His Strength is infallible. This book was written to encourage every reader no matter what you are going through, divorce, job lay-off, sickness, hard times, the Lord will strengthen and open new doors for you. He has ordained for your season to change, these things are temporary. He will strengthen our hands to help others.
Our second book, Marriage Beyond the Bed was written to encourage the reader after the wonderful wedding day and the honeymoon is over the couple have to be willing to invest in each other to enjoy marriage beyond the bed, as we share our 45 year journey in marriage. We also share our experience in marriage coaching and counseling. We have learned, “There must be a determination between both partners; this is our lifetime commitment, and we refuse to allow anything or anyone to separate us”. Marriage is a commitment first to God and to each other, which goes beyond the bed, we must work together to invest, which takes time and has great rewards.
Communication is so very important in any relationship, we must understand how to communicate to our spouse effectively. We must learn to love, understand and appreciate one another.
Do you have any particular literary influences that have helped you develop in you genre, subject and style?
Our literary influences came from reading the Bible each book from Genesis to Revelation. We were really inspired by all of the contents and how it addresses many problems we all face in life today. Many things about the human races we did not understand, but after reading through the Bible it shows how everything began, and how we can accomplish so much by love, sharing and caring for one another. It was also interesting to know that the Lord can make a change in our hearts, when we invite Him into our lives. Also we love reading many other books and researching information to share as much about the subject that we can.
Tommie also wrote many lesson while teaching Bible classes and teaching at the Bible college.
Paula wrote a lesson while working for the Department of Veterans Affairs for employees to understand the application procedures, she also wrote an essay on Black History and won first place.
Xlibris Publishing will return with Tommie Artis and Paula Sherard Artis in Part 2.
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