Xlibris Author| James E. Merl, Chicago 1871 Pt 2

by Thomas McKinley

Xlibris Author| James E. Merl, Chicago 1871

Xlibris Publishing returns with James E. Merl, author of Chicago 1871.     Which influences have inspired you, with regard to your writing style and your book itself? I would say my biggest influence as far as my writing style has to be given to Willy Vlautin. I was having a hard time writing in […]


Xlibris Author| James E. Merl, Chicago 1871

by Thomas McKinley

Xlibris Author| James E. Merl, Chicago 1871

Xlibris Publishing introduces James E. Merl, author of Chicago 1871.   About Your Book and Yourself:   Who is the author “behind” the book? My name is James E. Merl, I am currently a truck driver and live in Northeast Washington State with my wife and two daughters. We moved here from California 18 years […]