What in the World is Going On? by William Van Dusen Wishard Pt 3Xlibris returns with William Van Dusen Wishard, author of Between Two Ages. I suggested at the beginning that the world is experiencing one of the greatest periods of change in history. When nations shift from one period of history to a new period, that shift doesn’t take place out in space somewhere, out in […] READ MORE |
Between Two Ages
What in the World is Going On? by William Van Dusen Wishard Pt 2Xlibris returns with William Van Dusen Wishard, author of Between Two Ages. Where does technology fit into all of this understanding? That the explosion of new technologies is a primary force driving global change is not exactly a stunning revelation. While elementary forms of technology are older than Homo sapiens, the first systematic approach to science […] READ MORE |
What in the World is Going On? by William Van Dusen WishardIt is with great pleasure that Xlibris Publishing introduces William Van Dusen Wishard, author of Between Two Ages. Part of my career has been spent in what’s called “trend analysis,” looking at the long-term trends that are reshaping the world, and putting them in some comprehensible form for government and corporate decision-makers. As […] READ MORE |