March 21 is World Poetry Day

by Thomas McKinley

The commemoration may not be as grand as other festivities, but World Poetry Day has been annually observed every 21st of March since 1999. March 21st was officially marked as World Poetry Day by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) during its 30th session held in Paris, France in 1999. “Poetry reaffirms […]


Xlibris Self-Pubbed Author Shares His Book Inspiration – Part 1

by Thomas McKinley

It is refreshing to hear writing tips from budding authors who may be not in the same league with established writers but definitely have something up their sleeves. The Xlibris Author Advice brings back Xlibris Author Scribe I Am sharing his creative inspiration and the overview of his sci-fi novel Terrah Damnation. All about ‘Terrah […]


Author Scribe I Am Tells the Birth of His Story – Part 4

by Thomas McKinley

Xlibris author Scribe I Am gives us the final installment of his Xlibris Blog. Evoking human curiosity Everything that has a starting point must have a logical foundation. And so, the Terrah Saga’s relevance to modern society takes root in the very prologue of the story. Humanity’s current course is palpable by all reasonable minds, […]


Author Scribe I Am Tells the Birth of His Story – Part 3

by Thomas McKinley

Discover more of Scribe I Am and his sci-fi novel as he imparts how his story started here on the Xlibris Blog. Taking you to unexplored realms The series of shall take the reader across mindboggling locales from the decaying civilization on Earth to the homeworld of the Galamarr race, the legendary fortress world of […]