Xlibris Author Gets To Stand in Oprah’s Shoes

by Thomas McKinley

Xlibris-published author Joni Jacques may have achieved what many others can only wish for. She got the chance to stand in Oprah’s shoes—literally. The American media mogul has recently invited Joni to appear on the “Oprah Show” to reveal how a pair of shoes changed the latter’s life. The Indiana native said she bought the […]


Xlibris Author Albert Dimitri Weds Artwork and Writing

by Thomas McKinley

There are different strokes of pen for different writers. Xlibris has always catered to authors of varied literary interests and intent. Author Albert Dimitri, also fondly known as Dimitri Kasongo, has merged his love of writing with his original vocation: art. Although he was born in Belgium, he grew up in Congo then moved to […]


Author Jodie Zammit Draws Writing Inspiration from Nature

by Thomas McKinley

To each writer is his or her own muse. For Xlibris author Jodie Zammit, Mother Nature keeps her writing lamp burning. Jodie talks about her childhood memories revealing how she fell in love with nature. This love has become instrumental to the creation of her debut fantasy book People of the Shadows. Young, wild, and […]


Author J.R. Fortin on ‘Topic Time’

by Thomas McKinley

Superhero fiction author J.R. Fortin has recently guested on the show Topic Time hosted by Harrison Young.   Published in 2013, his book series Mighty Snorter Volume 1 and Volume 2 is not just your ordinary superhero story.   “If you are into highly offensive comedy this is the book for you. Follow Mighty Snorter […]


Artificial Intelligence Being Developed To Write ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Novels

by Thomas McKinley

Your adventure may rest in the hands of robot writers. In fictional books fashioned like the famous children gamebook series “Choose Your Own Adventure,” that is. The Georgia Institute of Technology is currently developing an artificial intelligence program capable of writing interactive fiction. The program called “Scheherazade-IF” would be similar to Choose Your Own Adventure […]